Kankali Trust

The “Kankali Trust for Arts and Cultural Economic Development” (KT-ACED), is a non-profit organisation raised
with a purposeful and dedicated aim of building arts (in all its forms) and crafts as a source of sustainable livelihood
which will enable artists to pursue their dreams of a satisfactory life.

An online Art exhibition

‘Enchanted Breath’ is a curatorial project with 12 contemporary artists from India for ‘Art for Oxygen’
an initiative by Kankali Trust that has been raising funds for socially relevant causes, which have been directly or indirectly affected by Covid 19.

About Kankali

The “Kankali Trust for Arts and Cultural Economic Development” (KT-ACED), is a non-profit organisation raised with a purposeful and dedicated aim of building arts (in all its forms) and crafts as a source of sustainable livelihood which will enable artists to pursue their dreams of a satisfactory life through the practice of their chosen art form without any hindrance or limitations. We work towards achieving our vision through a concerted effort aimed at developing arts and crafts  as a mainstream economic activity by identifying various streams of arts and crafts that need handholding. We follow this up by inducing tailor made programmes designed to train these artisans and craftsmen in various tools of business management, finance, product research and design, marketing and skill development.

The trust works in coordination with various Government and Non-Governmental Organisations to execute economic models by exploiting the provisions of various existing government policies as well as CSR initiatives of corporates in the environment towards  improving the livelihood of artisans and craftsmen. We also use the grass-root level situational awareness garnered through our work, to act as an advisory body to agencies (both government and non-governmental) responsible for drawing out policies in support of the sector at large.

Featured Projects

Our Story

Every venture has a unique start. But, in our case, it goes extraordinary .We are a strong team of independent, committed and ambitious women from diverse fields with a burning passion for arts and culture. Our vision of redefining success has come together for the Arts community and their development through the trust to make the dreams of many artists come true.

Seed for Deed

Thota Anandhi

Vidhya Sharma

Mahesh Pattar

Bheemaraya Devikeri

Belaa Sanghvi

Recent Gallery