KANKALI – GIRL CHILD SCHOLARSHIP KANKALI - GIRL CHILD SCHOLARSHIPThis scholarship is aimed at educating and sponsoring small girl children at primary levels. The selection will be based on certain criteria which will be verified by our team. Kindly provide the accurate details Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Child/ Student Name *Email *Date of Birth *DD/MM/YYYYResidential Address *Father's Name *Father's Phone Number *Father's Email IDFather's Occupation *Mother's Name *Mother's Phone NumberMother's Email *Mother's Occupation *Annual Income - Father *Annual Income - Mother *Other Allied Sources of Income, if so SpecifyOwn house or Rented House ? *Own HouseRented HousePlease Mark if You Own the Following *CarMotor Bike 1Motor Bike 2RefrigiratorWashing machineTelevisionVaccum CleanerDish WasherMobile phone (pls mention the brand name) *School at the Child is Studying or Planning to Join *Actual Annual Fees to be Paid to the School *Submit